The Farm

The fruit of our labor

The fruit of our labor

Upper Meadows Farm has been devoted to sustainable holistic agriculture since 1987, and we’ve been Certified Organic since 1991.  We have evolved from our beginnings on 4 1/2 acres to our current size of 153 acres. We have raised pigs, sheep, goats, rabbits, chickens, turkeys, and cattle, all of which are pasture-based. We have also expanded our vegetable production from the traditional “kitchen garden,” which remains as one of our fields, to approximately 12 acres today, that serves our CSA as well as other markets. We planted 37 Apple and Pear trees in 2003, and are gradually expanding our fruit and berry harvests. We make hay when the sun shines and rotate our grain crops, which have included barley, oats, wheat, rye, spelt, flax, buckwheat and corn.

We sell what we raise at several farmers markets in New Jersey and New York City from early June through early November, as well as through a Community-Supported Agriculture program, which lets you take a stake in our harvest and participate in its production. We harvest almost everything we sell the day we sell it, which means it comes to you alive and full of nutrients.

Upper Meadows Farm is unique in other ways too. Most of New Jersey’s farms are in growing zones 6 and 7. But, because of its location and elevation, Upper Meadows is in zone 5, which means a later start to our growing season and an earlier end. For today’s weather on the farm, click here.

Farmers Markets

On our farm: We sell on-farm on Thursday from 4 to 7 p.m. or by appointment.

New York City: We are at the Hell’s Kitchen neighborhood at the Manhattan Plaza Farmers Market on W43rd St. between Ninth and Tenth Avenues on Saturdays from 10am to 3:30pm.

Jersey City: We are at the Hamilton Park Farmers Market on Wednesdays from 4 to 8 p.m.

Sussex County: We expect to be at the soon-to-open market at the Sussex County Farm and Horse Show grounds in Frankford Twp.