Contact Us

uppermeadowsdrawingUpper Meadows Farm
12 Pollara Lane
Montague, NJ 07827
Telephone: (570) 228-8368
E-mail: leonard[at]


To the farm

Please call ahead by at least a week to schedule a visit. We don’t want to miss you!

6 Responses

  1. Can you advise if bee colony extinction is still a concern for 2009. Thank you.

    • Yes, the cause of colony collapse is as yet undetermined. There are a number of identified impacts to bees that have surfaced during the search for an answer but no comprehensive solutions.

  2. do you think that which was started by Dr. Rima Laibow M.D. is worth mentioning? Fighting the bad Effects of CODEX ALIMENTARIUS and evolving views on the safety of Vaccines are some of the issues being worked on. Also links to Center For Food Safety and

  3. This is a wonderful story. If you have any shares left, please contact me as I am interested.

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